01 – Apps and Streaming Entertainment

Apps and Streaming Entertainment

How are people interacting with their phones? What are their go-to apps? How do the various social media platforms rank among consumers? What are the emerging social media apps?

Survey Questions

  1. Which of these statements describes how you see your mobile phone?
  2. Do you have any paid apps or pay for the premium features of any apps on your phone?
  3. For which apps are you paying or buying premium features?
  4. Which of these social platforms do you use more than once a week?
  5. Which of these video streaming apps do you use once a week?
  6. Which of these audio streaming apps do you use at least once a week?
  7. How do you learn about new social media apps?
  8. What apps do you engage when you want to learn new things? 
  9. What apps do you engage when you want to find accurate information? 
  10. What cool, new apps or platforms are you most excited about these days?